Glenbog State Forest – NSW
Glenbog State Forest covers an area of around 11,000 hectares and is surrounds the town of Bemboka and borders the following other reserves: Tantawangalo State Forest, South East Forest National Park and Wadbilliga National Park.
From Sydney – Take the M31 and approx. 4.55hr drive south of Sydney.
From Melbourne – Take the M1 / Princess Hwy. 6.55hr drive north east.
Glenbog State Forest offers 100km of spectacular hinterland scenery. Unlike the nearby South East Forests National Park, walking trails and campsites are however scare and barely existent. Various roads such as Packers Swamp rd and Old Bega rd allow for stops and slight walking tracks, however don’t exceed too far from the actual road.
Fishing – Nunnock River can offer excellent freshwater fishing. Brown trout, Australian bass and silver perch can be frequent. Best access is from the Snowy Mountain Hwy, turn right into Wattle rd, which is about 30 mins drive from Bemboka. Drive for 10 mins then turn into Longhorn Rd which will join Nunnock rd. At rthe end of Nunnock you can access the Nunnock River.
Logging and the wombats
Glenbog State Forest has been in the news recently with news that a logging operation in the Glenbog State Forest may have buried up to 150 bare-nosed wombats. They are present in large numbers in the Glenbog State Forest as they have a preference for wetter, forested regions that are relatively cool.
Locals have discovered collapsed and blocked burrows soon after logging began. Burrows compacted by machinery and logs which couldn’t be re-opened. In some cases a dirt roads was built over the top of the burrow. The wombats have not been able to dig themselves out, and have suffocated inside died.
The Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW), however deny the allegations. They do they utmost to protect wombat burrows and native fauna.
Accommodation in Bemboka – Fishing on the Sapphire Coast – Fishing at Narooma – Boat Ramps Sapphire Coast